Daniel Báez

Full Stack Web Developer

I studied Fullstack web development at the Technology University of Buenos Aires.

I've worked in different projects, from chat bot implementations for services to game engines, being maintener of KAPLAY.

Daniel Báez's potrait


  • KAPLAY Team

    Team Leader, Software Developer

    KAPLAY Team is an open source organization (not registered) that I founded, where our main project is KAPLAY, a easy to use and powerful JavaScript library for creating games.

  • ConLuc. Corp

    Software Developer, UI/UX

    In ConLuc. Corp, I worked on the development and refactoring of the UI/UX of a soccer online game, using Unity3D.

  • Replit

    Software Developer, Event Managment, Game Engine development

    In Replit, I worked on the development of a game engine called Kaboom.js, using JavaScript, where I was the maintainer of the project. I added features, fixed bugs, and improved the documentation website, using Next.js.

    I also participed in the Replit Reps program, where I organized different Game Jams and Hackathons.

  • Matrix

    Software Developer, Fullstack Developer

    In Matrix, I worked on the development of various tools for the company, a Discord's chatbot for the company's service platform, and a internal reminder application.

the online space

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